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Two Shows One Night!

Art Stenholm and Ilene Segalove and Pons Maar Art shows

Art Stenholm Retrospective and “That Conceptual Life”

Thursday May 25th 5-9pm

Free Museum Admission from 5pm-9pm

Multi-media artists Pons Maar (Hollywood irritant and performance artist) and Ilene Segalove (Whitney Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Getty, MOMA, MOCA, LACMA etc…) present photographic collage narratives that question the daily residue of melancholic and sentimental reflection in “That Conceptual Life”

Art Stenholm Retrospective: This unique and under appreciated artists work will be showcased with a sampling of games, history and a large-scale mural depicting his 1964 game “North Star”. Curated by Michael Schiess and Chris Rummell.

Shows run through Sept 3rd.

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